6.2 Legislative Acts


The entire aviation industry is still reeling from the 35-day federal government shutdown that occurred from December 22, 2018, to January 25, 2019, and the possibility of another shutdown in the near future remains a distinct possibility. The United States has experienced the longest government shutdown in recent history, which has had a significant impact on air traffic controllers, TSA agents, and other critical government employees who have been forced to perform vital duties without compensation. Over 17,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees have been furloughed, with duties ranging from safety inspections to airmen certification to NextGen deployment and everything in between. All remaining Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees, including over 14,000 air traffic controllers, carried on business as usual, working overtime without pay when necessary, putting an unnecessary strain on them and their families. A federal government shutdown can have long-term consequences, including gaps in aviation safety that put US travelers at risk. Apart from the hardship and uncertainty that shutdowns impose on the critical FAA workforce, they can harm all facets of US civil aviation, including airlines, airports, manufacturers, flight and cabin crews, passengers, and the pipeline of new aviation safety employees.

With an alliance of 31 additional aviation stakeholder organizations, including, Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), Air Medical Operators Association (AMOA), signed a letter to congressional leadership in support of the Aviation Funding Stability Act of 2021 (AFA) (H.R. 4042). Rick Larsen, Peter DeFazio, Bob Gibbs, Brian Fitzpatrick four members of the House of Representatives, introduced this legislation. In the event of another government shutdown, the FAA would be authorized to appropriate funds from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, thereby “ensuring the continuity of vital agency safety and operational functions,” according to the Aviation Funding Stability Act of 2021. (Transportation & Infrastructure, 2021).


H.R. 4042, THE “AVIATION FUNDING STABILITY ACT OF 2021.” (2021, June 22). Transportation.House.Gov. https://transportation.house.gov/imo/media/doc/2021-06-22%20FACT%20SHEET%20HR%204042%20Aviation%20Funding%20Stability%20Act%20of%202021%20-%20Final.pdf
